tirsdag 14. september 2010

“Vroom, Vroom”

From time to time, I join the contests at I heart faces. This week, I just had to join :)

ok, here I go - in english, as this competition is international. I guess that is not a
big problem to my norwegian readers? :) 

Here are the rules, cutted from I heart faces:

Week 37 – Sept 13th – “Vroom, Vroom”

Adding a vehicle to a portrait session is a fun way to mix things up a bit!  
This week’s entry should have some kind of vehicle in it (any form of
transportation or even a toy!) AND a face.  

One of my favorite pictures is my little boy, Olav, in front of his favorite vehicle,
the Tractor! :) His second birthday is tomorrow, sept. 15th, so my contribution
to the contest is for him :)

Happy Birthday, Olav :) Mummy loves you! 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Stilig bilde! Og gratulerer med toåring og få timer!

  2. Så fint bilde!
    Jeg hadde også traktorbilde med i konkurransen, med min lille 1,5 åring :)
